Friday, July 20, 2012

Community letters protesting the soccer complex

There are 3 letters shown below:
  • County Supervisors 

NSRCR emailed a notice to the City of San Rafael noting their concerns on the San Rafael Airport Facility.

MM/SRPNA Board of Directors emailed a notice to the City of San Rafael noting their concerns on the Proposed Airport/Soccer Complex.

To: "Kraig Tambornini"
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 2:59:05 PM
Subject: Soccer Facility

Dear Kraig Tambornini,

       The Board of Directors of the Mont Marin/San Rafael Park Neighborhood Association wish to state our opposition to the Proposed Airport/Soccer Complex. We do not believe the location is suitable for this development due to the following reasons:

1.  It would be located too close to the airport presenting a safety hazard for people using this facility

2.  The size is much too large a structure adjacent to a marsh land habitat of endangered species (clapper rails)

3.  The proposed time of operation-seven days a week, until midnight- in this location of residental property is unacceptable because of the bright lights and noise.

4.  The presence of alcohol sales with unaccompanied minors in the area using the soccer fields, skate board park, miniature golf, and golf is asking for trouble.

5.  The traffic along Smith Ranch Road would have a negative impact.

6.  Mc Iinnis Park has two soccer fields that are for public use.  There are other soccer fields in Marin which can be used.  With the number of soccer fields in Marin County for local, public use, this is strictly a for profit operation at the expense of a beautiful and sensitive environment.


John H. Rojas President
Jim Leonard
Carol Sheerin
Monica Rosenberg
Jill Morrison

Marin County Board of Supervisors sent a notice to the City of San Rafael noting their concerns on the San Rafael Airport Recreational Facility.


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