Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Another plane crashes at San Rafael Airport

November 20, 2012, 11:00 a.m. 
A crash also occurred at the San Rafael Airport on October 13, 2011.

Hello Friends and Neighbors -
Yes, it's true, there was another airplane crash from the San Rafael Airport today, into the marsh.
If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it either. It was both disturbing and chilling to witness. Disturbing because I saw the whole thing unfold almost in slow motion. And chilling because we heard testimony from experienced Pilots/Analysts at the podium to the Planning Commission that predicted this could happen -- it's a Pilot's instinct. I saw the plane turn, in an attempt to return to the Airport, but he lost altitude and went down, coming to rest almost directly underneath the high-voltage towers between San Pablo Bay and Las Gallinas Sanitary District levees. Had he made that turn, and not lost altitude, and the Soccer Complex was there...
This plane crash is more than just another "incident." I believe it also showcases the cavalier attitude regarding risk analysis and our safety by our Decision-Makers. Just a few examples:
-- Robert and I had a 2-hour meeting with Mayor Philips (S.R. Pilot and CPA). Since he's a "numbers guy," on a legal pad in front of him, he had scratched down numbers and explained to us what he thought was a "low risk" of an airplane flying into the building. "Because there are 96 single-engine planes and only 4 twin-engine planes, the risk of a plane going off the runway and into the adjacent building was very slim." Really? That's how the Mayor is measuring the percentage of risk?
-- The Planning Commission Chair told us, she looked at the risk analysis and thought it wasn't that high and she would consider putting her kids in the Airport/Soccer program. Really? In my opinion anything over 0% risk to the kids is unacceptable.
-- In replying to the CalTrans letter of warning, City Staff said because San Rafael is a private Airport, they could ignore CalTrans' recommendations. Really? Why would we want to?
-- In a voice-mail from Kraig replying to my query: "How many accidents is too many? How close does it have to be before common sense comes into this decision?" His reply was, "done some homework...  looking into this... you can go to the NTSB website and pull up data on this... " and he said we could look at the records of Gnoss Field, Petaluma Airport, and Napa Airport and find the number of "incidents" to be comparable. Really? Last time I checked, none of these Airports had a Soccer Complex 160' from the runway.
-- In the September 2009 plane crash, the Airport Manager called it "a routine belly landing." Routine... really? Just how often does that happen?
-- In the October 2011 plane crash, it was kit plane, flown by a student pilot, alone. In a rebuttal regarding these crashes, the Airport Manager said, "the kit planes weigh about as much as an SUV." Really? Then lets see a test and drop an SUV on the roof of the facility/unreinforced metal shed and see how it holds up. They do it for "Tuff Sheds."
-- And now, today, November 2012, the NTBS investigation is underway and so far we hear from Staff, compared to other Airports, it's not so bad. Really? Well, we don't care about other Airports.
After all this, in my opinion, either our Decision-Makers are blinded by the almighty dollar and/or they secretly know what we have suspected all along - this project is a Trojan Horse. We have no guarantees that a Soccer Complex will ever be built so why worry about plane crashes? Because, after all, what they Really want is the rezoning.
Let's not let this happen. Your presence at the December 3 San Rafael City Council meeting can send a clear message - We know what's best for our neighborhoods.
Or as Gina put it so eloquently and on-point, "And the airport owner wants to put soccer fields and an 85,000 sq ft sports complex 150 ft from the runway here. Who cares if it's dangerous? They'll have to rezone the property from wetlands to commercial, but who cares? If you do, the SR City Council has scheduled what is said to be the final hearing on whether or not to approve this project Monday Dec. 3rd. SR City Hall, 6 p.m. Warm bodies in the room may actually persuade the council members to utilize their moral compasses. Please, show up if you can!"
I hope you all have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Day, 

Your Neighbor - Mary Hanley

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